So, it's here, after a few months of long conversations I've managed to borrow a Large Format camera and nothing else than a view camera!
With the excuse of doing an architectural photography project this was possible.
I must admit that the #believeinfilm community on twitter influenced in my obsession for a large format camera as it seems as if 2016 was the Large Format year, so (even though I've been planning to shoot large format since mid 2015) I didn't want to be left behind!
I'm having this camera for 3 weeks, which means: 3 weeks of pure photography at its finest, 3 weeks of taking way too long to take one shot... to sum up: 3 weeks of learning, patience, happiness and creativity.
I'll be sharing all this short journey on twitter of course as well as with a series of posts about the photos which hopefully will be good enough to be shared with you.
As for now, here's the beast and the lenses!